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968 NW Garfield Avenue
United States


Spring Fling 2025: learn more here!


Spring Fling 2025: learn more here!

Vina Moses

Join us for our second annual community donation rally: SPRING FLING 2025!

In this special week-long event, we extend our donation hours to collect more of the critical items families depend on. With visits to the Free Thrift Store up 39% at the end of last year, the need has never been greater. We also sprinkle in lots of fun in a way that’s uniquely Vina.

We’ll be announcing more details right here in this post as we get closer to the event. You won’t want to miss it!


Monday (4/21): 10am - 6pm

Tuesday (4/22): 12pm - 6pm

Wednesday (4/23): 12pm - 6pm

Thursday (4/24): 10am - 6pm

Friday (4/25): 12pm - 6pm

Saturday (4/26): 12pm - 3pm


  • Daily Center Tours starting at 12:30pm (no reservation required, just come on down!)

  • What is Vina’s Museum of Curiosities? You’ll have to visit to find out!

  • $20k Cash Match Challenge: When you visit the Center during Spring Fling, consider making a donation to our $20K Cash Match Challenge. Your support helps Vina say "yes" to those who need it. We aim to match the value of in-kind donations collected all week. Will you help us reach our goal?