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968 NW Garfield Avenue
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That's a wrap on Vina's Giving Tree 2024!


That's a wrap on Vina's Giving Tree 2024!

Vina Moses

That's a wrap on another season of Vina’s Giving Tree 🎁 THANK YOU to everyone who played a part in making this year magical for our neighbors!

Whether you donated gifts, volunteered your time, were one of our official sponsors, hosted a tree at your business or supported us in spirit - YOU made it happen.

Thanks to your generosity, we were able to make magic for over 1,800 local kids this holiday season (including pop-ups in both Monroe and Alsea - a first for us!).

We’re so grateful for this community of kind hearts 💚

From all of us at Vina Moses Center, here’s to carrying this spirit of giving into the new year - thank you for being part of something truly special.