Needs List
Needs List
Thank you for thinking of us! Your generosity helps people get what they need at no cost to them. Below you’ll find needs lists and guidelines about what we can accept. If you have something not on our needs list, we may still be able to take it - call ahead or bring it with you the next time you’re here. (Unless it’s something listed on our Can’t Take list.) See our donations page for current donation hours. If you have questions or need more guidance, please call our office at 541-753-1420.
You help more people by following our donation hours and guidelines! While we do recycle - especially textiles and shoes - recycling is a byproduct of our work. We are not a recycling center. Please utilize Republic Services’ Corvallis Recycle Depot if you have items to be recycled.
Join us for Spring Fling 2025! Click here or on the image below for more details about this community donation rally coming in April
Want to make a financial contribution?
Want to host a donation drive?
We have a guide for that! Click here for our Donation Drive Guide.
Things we can always use:
towels (all sizes)
blankets (bigger than throw-sized is ideal)
sheets (all sizes)
clothes for all sizes, ages, and genders
shelf-stable food: nut butters, canned meats, canned fruits, other proteins
manual can openers
coffee mugs (we share with CDDC)
hygiene items: shampoo & conditioner, deodorant, soap/body wash, toothbrushes & toothpaste, period care, disposable & electric razors
toys (clean, all parts, no scribbles or stickers)
body wipes, especially individually packaged
laundry soap & cleaning products
sewing kits (travel-sized)
flashlights, batteries, & candles
scrubs for work, all colors
baby items for Vina’s Nursery (new baby kits)
baby wipes
receiving blankets
paper products
toilet paper & paper towels
grocery bags
We especially need these now:
blankets (bigger than throw-sized is ideal)
warm socks (all genders, all sizes)
period care products (tampons, pads of all varieties)
men’s pants, all sizes and styles, but especially 32-36 waist
hoodies (all genders, all sizes)
sleeping bags, tarps, tents
grocery bags (used is fine, paper or plastic)
brooms and mops (for setting up your new household)
Sometimes we have to close a donation day completely or early because our sorting room is full and we don’t have room for more. Our volunteers work hard to sort through your generous donations! Thank you for understanding. Call 541-753-1420, if you want to check first.
men’s clothes: shirts, pants, and sweats
pots & pans
size 4 & 6 diapers & baby wipes
pre-school aged kids’ clothes, especially pull-on athletic pants
home decor and countertop appliances (people transitioning into housing need to stock their new homes)
first aid and basic medical care items
period care products (all styles and types)
deodorant, shampoo, & other toiletries (hotel and full-sized)
cleaning supplies
toilet paper
laundry soap
tennis shoes, all sizes & genders
new or like new/unstained underwear, all sizes & genders
books and magazines
Vina’s cupboard needs
We have two Vina’s Cupboards: one outdoors that is open 24/7 and a small one indoors (including a small fridge) that is open during normal business hours. Emphasis on shelf-stable foods, especially items with pop-top lids. Culturally appropriate foods are also needed.
canned proteins (beans, tuna, chicken, etc.)
canned vegetables & fruit
breakfast bars (soft varieties)
dried fruits & nuts
chilis / soups / stew
soft foods
snack packs / fruit cups
ready-to-eat foods & drinks
ramen / noodle packs & cups
coffee (regular & instant), tea, cocoa
nut butters / jams/ jelly
pasta sauce / packaged noodles
instant rice / bagged rice meals
freeze dried products
broth / bouillon cubes
evaporated milk, milk & milk alternatives in tetra packs
oatmeal, cereal
fruit & vegetable juice
bread / rolls / bread products
fresh produce
Exception: shelf-stable food may be left in Vina’s Cupboard outdoors.
Items left on our porch or by our back door end up ruined by the time we’re back at the Center.
You help us help more people by following our donation hours and guidelines. Thank you so much!
While we recycle - especially textiles and shoes - recycling is a byproduct of our work. We are not a recycling center.
Please utilize Republic Services’ Corvallis Recycle Depot if you have items to recycle.
Thank you for thinking of us!
Your generosity makes it possible for people to get what they need at no cost to them.
We cannot take anything that is dirty, broken, stained, overly-worn, torn, ripped, sticky, smelly, or otherwise unusable.
What do we mean by clean and usable?
Keep reading for more guidance.
Our lists are works in progress, as things change all the time!
CLEAN items - no stains, excess wear, SMOKE SMELL, or broken/torn items, please!
clothes & shoes (all ages, all sizes, all genders)
sheets/sheet sets, blankets, other bedding
towels (all sizes), bath mats, other bathroom décor
toiletries such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo/conditioner/body wash, deodorant, lotion, etc.
laundry soap, cleaning products
sleeping bags and camping gear (tents, tarps)
housewares & kitchenware (dishes, pots/pants, utensils, etc.)
seasonal & holiday items/décor
SMALL countertop appliances (coffee pots, crockpots, blenders, toasters, microwaves, etc.)
home décor (wall art, vases, bookends, candles, sculptures, decorative pillows, small lamps, etc.)
adult & children’s books and magazines
school/office supplies (paper/notebooks, pens/pencils/crayons/markers, binders, folders, etc.)
paper goods (toilet paper/paper towels/tissues)
eyeglasses & reading glasses
boxed and/or non-perishable food
fresh produce
toys (all parts, not broken, no scribbles or stickers)
gift wrap, tissue paper, and bows/ribbon (gently used okay)
box fans, space heaters
small durable medical goods
If you don’t see something listed, please ask!
Please check here to make sure your item isn’t subject to a safety recall.
NO furniture/appliances including beds, couches, refrigerators, tables, chairs, desks, large rugs, mini blinds. Small rugs are okay.
NO used car seats (even gently used ones - it’s a legal thing)
NO bicycles (unless they’re new for our Giving Tree). Take your reusable bike to Corvallis Bicycle Collective.
NO opened food unless items are individually packaged, then it’s okay
NO opened vitamins or over the counter medicines unless items are individually packaged. Read our local disposal guidelines for more guidance.
NO used makeup
NO items that smell like smoke
Please contact Furniture Share, Benton Habitat for Humanity or The Arc Corvallis or Corvallis Bicycle Collective if you have these types of items to donate.
Still not sure? Give us a call: 541-753-1420.
what do we mean by clean and usable?
CLOTHES: Freshly laundered makes our day! NO: musty, moldy, earthy, or smoky odors. NO: stains, holes, missing fasteners (buttons, snaps, etc), broken zippers, homemade cuts/cutouts, frayed edges, anything that needs mending, rips (fashion rips are fine - we know the difference). We don’t have space to store items that need repair nor do we have a repair team. We do not have the capacity to launder clothes.
TOYS: Freshly scrubbed makes our day! NO: scribbles, stains, holes, broken or missing pieces, half-peeled stickers, items covered with stickers that aren’t original to the design, dolls/stuffed animals with matted hair/fur, anything that needs mending. NO: dusty, musty, rusty, moldy, or dirty items. NO: deflated or leaky sports balls. If your donated item is missing a crucial piece - ex. a telescope without a lens or a puzzle missing a piece - please find a replacement piece before you donate. We do not have the capacity to research and buy missing pieces to make something usable. We don’t have the space to keep items that are missing crucial pieces.
HOUSEHOLD GOODS: Freshly scrubbed makes our day! NO: chipped, cracked, or broken items or items missing a crucial piece. NO: electronic items that don’t work. NO: dusty, musty, rusty, or dirty items. NO: dishes or silverware that haven’t been washed. NO: lids without containers or containers without lids (exception: Rubbermaid tote lids). Please don’t bring frames that are missing the glass front or the paperboard back. We do not have the capacity to research and buy missing pieces to make something usable. We don’t have the space to keep items that are missing crucial pieces.