Thank you for supporting vina moses center!
Your support makes so much good possible!
Our tax ID is 93-0615775
“Vina Moses has been essential to my ability to stay clothed and with supplies and food. [Vina] has overall improved my outlook and self esteem. Vina Moses helps me stay grounded and reminds me that there is still hope in this world and good people, too.”
- From our recent survey
Join us for Spring Fling 2025! Click here or on the image above for more details about this community donation rally coming in April
Other Ways to Give
become an official sponsor
Help us do more to improve the lives of our neighbors! These partnerships demonstrate our commitment together to helping people in need. We have several opportunities available to partner. View our digital Sponsorship Guide here.
Please make checks payable to Vina Moses Center and send to (printable form optional):
Vina Moses Center
968 NW Garfield
Corvallis, OR 97330
by Phone: (541) 753-1420
Call us at (541) 753-1420 to make your gift by credit card or if you have questions. Please leave a message if we are unavailable and we will return your call promptly.
We’re happy to accept a hand-delivered financial contribution. Please visit our center at 968 NW Garfield.
Many employers have a matching gift program, which can double your impact! Ask your company or organization if they have a donation matching policy.
You may establish a recurring gift. Automatic payments are charged to your credit card at the frequency you choose. To set up a recurring credit card transaction, use the online form at the top of this page and use the Donation Schedule dropdown menu to choose your donation frequency.
Stocks or Bequest
Make a lasting impact in the community by remembering Vina Moses Center in your will. Stocks and estate giving may be tax deductible. Please call us at 541-753-1420 to discuss your wishes.
Volunteers are the heart of our work. Visit our volunteer page for more information.
Vina Moses Center is a registered 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization with the IRS and State of Oregon. Our federal tax identification number is 93-0615775. Thank you for your support!
In-kind donation hours
Read our Needs List to learn more about what people need and what we can accept. Thank you!
Want to host a donation drive? Click here for our Donation Drive guide!