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968 NW Garfield Avenue
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Sharing our Bounty: How excess donations help families thrive all over Oregon


Sharing our Bounty: How excess donations help families thrive all over Oregon

Vina Moses

Have you ever wondered what happens with the 1,500-5,000+ pounds of donations we receive every week? Donations of good, clean, usable items will make it into the Center, available for free to all who shop here. However, with extremely limited space all around, we have gladly been able to spread our bounty with organizations around Benton County and beyond to make sure your donations get into the hands of those who need it most. For example, did you know that we share mugs with the Corvallis Daytime Drop in Center? Or that whenever anyone from Family Tree Relief Nursery or the Community Doula Program needs clothing or infant items we are there to make sure they get what they need? Since late last year we have also partnered with our friends at the Oregon Childhood Development Coalition to help provide clothing to migrant farm families in Polk, Yamhill & Marion Counties. It’s our greatest joy to partner with others looking to help Oregonians thrive and your donations make that possible!