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968 NW Garfield Avenue
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Hip-hip Hooray! Our Back-to-School Program is enrolling now!


Hip-hip Hooray! Our Back-to-School Program is enrolling now!

Vina Moses

Vina Moses Center’s School Program supports about 600 K-12 students across Benton County as they start the school year. Being prepared keeps kids motivated and excited! We give new shoes, clothes, jackets, new underwear, socks, new backpacks, water bottles, lunch boxes and more . . . all the usual necessities kids need for staying focused on learning!

Supporting our program at $50 can help provide the only pair of new shoes a child will receive all year.

NEW THIS YEAR: Wellness Kits! Providing pads, tampons, and the means to help manage a hygiene crisis at school - because no person deserves to be stranded without essential supplies!  During the month of July, look for Vina Moses Center hygiene supply drop boxes at both First Alternative Co-op locations, courtesy of Sick Town Derby Dames! P.S. We'll provide hygiene supplies for kids with non-period needs, too.

What kids say: Late last fall, weeks after a classroom of Head Start students received new coats from Vina Moses Center’s School Program, a teacher noticed one of the little girls still had a tag dangling from hers. The teacher offered to snip it off. "No," she answered. She wanted to keep the tag: “It’s my first one!”

Our School Program runs August 16-26. Enrollment starts July 9. Everything is available at no cost. To make an appointment, call 541-753-1420.